BayCreek Paddling Center
The best kayaking shop in Rochester, NY!
The best kayaking shop in Rochester, NY!
As an 8-year-old my parents signed me up for kids kamp, which I attended multiple times a year until I was 12 and too old to be a camper. For the next two years I was the local "cabana girl" (I did not know why everyone laughed when they called me that... I guess I was a clueless 12-year-old), washing boats in exchange for free kayak rentals. At 14 I was officially hired and began cashiering and helping out with kids camp. And so began my 9 years of working at BayCreek...

BayCreek Rough Riders
Rough Riders is group of paddlers in Rochester that's organized by BayCreek. Every summer Thursday night (6-8pm) we meet at Durand Beach on Lake Ontario in hopes that the surf will be up!

Cornell Outdoor Education
A group of outdoor enthusiasts of all types that want to share their respective love (paddling, climbing, backpacking, skiing, etc.) with other Cornell students.
Bay Area Sea Kayakers (BASK)
A group of over 500 kayakers in the San Francisco Bay area. Many fantastic paddlers. Looking forward to meeting more of you!
Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC)
An organization that gives disadvantaged youth and people with disabilities the opportunity to go on outdoor adventures, including sea kayaking. I just went through training this spring, and I look forward to volunteering much more over the next year!
Bay Area Kayak Polo Club (BAKPC)
A young group of playful kayakers who practice kayak polo regularly in the South Bay and Berkeley. They organize a bi-monthly beginner training session that I try to attend whenever I'm in town!
California Canoe and Kayak (CCK)
Expert sea kayak shop located in Oakland, CA. Conveniently, only 10 mins from my apartment! I've taken a couple surf zone/sea kayaking courses with them, and I learn so much every time. They carry a wide range of boats and gear, and you can test paddle the boats on site.
Kayak Ways
A site dedicated to the sport of Greenland-Style Kayaking. Cheri Perry (right) and Turner Wilson (left) travel around with their beautiful skin-on-frame kayaks and Greenland paddles to spread the Greenland love!
The Complete Paddler
A paddling shop in Toronto, Ontario with a comprehensive line of canoes and kayaks.
Learn To Kayak
Paddling instruction, guided trips, and pool sessions located in Ontario, CA.
Ithaca Kayak Club
Group of paddling enthusiasts in and around Ithaca, NY.
NH AMC Paddlers
The paddling sector of the New Hampshire Appalachian Mountain Club, with whitewater, flat water, river, and sea kayaking trips throughout NH, ME, and MA.